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Author: Marlene George

Welcome Spring!

We are officially into the season of spring, and I don’t know about all of you, but I feel FABULOUS! I attribute this good feeling to the Spring Equinox that occurred a few days ago. The Spring Equinox is actually that incident that happens when the Sun happens to be above the equator (or it crosses the celestial equator in the case of September equinox). When the Spring Equinox takes place, it i...
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Life is best accomplished in baby steps

One of the biggest things that leads to people not accomplishing their goals is that they seem to want to jump right from the point at which they are barely getting started right to the end result. Not that doing it this way is entirely impossible! In fact, some of the time this way works very well. But the problem that a lot of people may run into is that they lack an actual strategy on how to fu...
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Happy International Women’s Day!

March 8th was International Women’s Day! International Women's Day is a global day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, while also marking a call to action for accelerating gender balance. Today is all about creating a more balanced world, celebrating women’s achievements, raising awareness against things like gender bias and taking actions that will ...
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The Pause That Refreshes!

“30 second stress relief habit” For many of us Fall feels like a new beginning even though the changing leaves indicate the end of the year is approaching. As children our year began with the start of school that usually happened in the Fall when we entered a new grade, and a new beginning at a higher level. It’s a habit whose feeling lingers well into adulthood. Rather than wait for the cal...
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Breathe deeply, the fall air is intoxicating

Life gets busy, and that fact applies to absolutely everyone. This is a reality in today’s world. The trouble is that sometimes, we move so quickly through life that we forget to take the time to pause and enjoy some deep, calming breaths… which is actually terrible, because they are so important! When we restrict our breath (or forget to breathe entirely), we tend to hold onto feelings of tightne...
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30 Seconds to a Healthy Workplace Culture

Start tonight to adopt a short, simple habit to improve your workplace culture. Lead by example, as you adopt this habit for yourself first. Others will notice the positive changes around you, and ask what is your secret? The Ripple Effect Like a pebble in the pond, one positive action creates a ripple effect affecting the entire body of water. On a small scale, this new habit affects the in...
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Spread a little love!

Can you believe that it is already nearing the middle of February? This year certainly started off with a bang, and things have been rolling by quicker than ever since the wrap up of 2017! I also feel like I am not alone in feeling this way... can you identify? When life gets all busy (like our 21st century lives certainly seem to), it can be all too easy for our priorities to become skewed. Do...
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Recognizing and Building on Your Strengths

As a species, we people are all very different. We all look different, sound different, and act different. We are all good at different things. Everybody also has differing interests – some people may be into sports, others into cooking, still others may be interested in music! This diversity is one of the wonderful things that make living in this world so interesting. But one of the things that f...
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New Year – Rebirth

For many of us, the New Year is a time for a rebirth of sorts; a time to refresh and revive ourselves. It’s not surprising then that this is the time that we make our new resolutions, those things that we want to achieve or change in ourselves over the coming twelve months. While we all have little things about ourselves that we’d like to change, too many of us jump on a bandwagon of societ...
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Taking The Time For You At Christmas

To say Christmas is a busy time of the year is certainly an understatement. Between figuring out what to buy everyone, battling the crowds at the mall, the wrapping, the hiding, the food preparation, the decorating, the baking, and oh yes, the getting together with friends and family; for a lot of people Christmas is a time of major stress! How will it all get done? We know from experience that is...
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