A summary of where Marlene has been an inspirational speaker for both private groups and corporate seminar workshops:
- Mentor at Rise Asset Development / Peer Support Startup Program
- Winner of the Entrepreneur of the Year Award from the South African Women for Women Organization 1999
- Nominee for The Halton Women of the Year Award 2008
- Speaker at Nursing Homes
- Speaker at Prison Institutes
- Speaker at several Health and Wellness Shows
- Speaker at several Retirement Homes
- Speaker at several Churches
- Speaker at several Schools and Colleges
- Speaker at Pharmaceutical Companies
- Speaker at Hospices
- Several presentations at workshops and retreats in Mexico
- Several presentations at workshops and retreats in South Africa
- Several presentations at workshops and retreats in Canada
- General Electric
- Honeywell
- ING Canada, Human Resources
- Petro-Canada
- Mary Kay
- Remedy’s Rx
- East Metro Youth Services
- Biidaanban Healing Lodge
- XL ICL Insurance
- The Running Room
- Victoria Order Of Nurses
- Priszm Canadian Income Fund Kit Inc.
- Friends and Advocates
- Knights Table 116
- Consumer Survivor Network LHIN
- Micro Skills Employment Services
- St Matthew’s Health Ministry
- BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir
- Womenss Conference
- Professional Women
- Lions Club
- Canadian Mental Health Association Out Reach Program
- Employability Skills For Youth Program Centre For Education and Training
- ESS Support Services
- eWomen Network
- Friends & Advocates
- Interim Place Victim Services
- It’s Your Life on Radio AM-1350 and FM-107.7
- LAMP Community Health Centre
- Speaker at Real Estate Boards
- OPSOA Professional Assistants Conference
- PHH Arval
- Parkinson’s Society Canada
- Professional Development Teachers Day
- Ridley Funeral Home
- Saint John’s New Brunswick Book Store
- The Business and Professional Women’s Club of Ontario
- The Board of Trade
- The Learning Annex
- Toast Masters
- Women With Vision
- Several appearances on CTS TV, Burlington, ON
- CFRB Radio, Toronto, ON
- CHEX TV Durham, ON
- The Wall Street Journal, Radio Interview, Toronto, ON
- Rogers TV York Region
- Rogers Television Mississauga
- Positive Living Productions Inc.
- My Women Support
“I was quite pleased and touched when Marlene offered to come and speak to my Introductory Psychology students. Not only did I know that the students would be thrilled to have a guest speaker (a rest from me!), but I also knew that Marlene would have an important and special message for them that they were meant to hear.
Despite my delight in Marlene coming, on the day of her visit, I was a bit nervous as I was unsure as to how the students would respond to her teachings. Even though I myself am confident about the nature of Marlene’s gifts, one is never sure when it comes to a group of first-year undergraduate students who, still in their teens, are contending with a variety of pressures in their lives while simultaneously busy on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! However, much to my relief, during Marlene’s presentation, I scanned the room and took note that the students were listening attentively and that, during the meditation exercise, almost all of them actively participated.
The following week during my next class with the students, I asked them what they thought about Marlene’s visit. One student raised her hand and said, It was the best presentation I’ve ever seen in my life. A second student also raised her hand and added, Her presentation came at the perfect time. I was having such a bad day that day, and she totally helped me to relax and put my problems in perspective, to show me that I am in charge of them.
A few weeks after Marlene’s presentation, a third student told me that I should invite Marlene to all of my classes to speak. Since my students are very wise and it is they who teach me, I am going to do heed this sage advice and do exactly that: invite Marlene every semester to come and speak to the students. Despite outward appearances of laughter, youthful enthusiasm and supposed partying, our students today struggle with a number of issues, including anxiety, depression, self-doubt, addictions, eating disorders and self-cutting as well as family responsibilities, financial debt and concerns about future job security. And so, if Marlene is willing to come and share her rich knowledge and experience, then the University of Guelph-Humber and its students are lucky indeed. ”
Sonja Embree, PhD
Assistant Program Head Psychology
University of Guelph-HumberMarlene’s speaking event at a Caregiving Workshop!
Taking care of self, while caring for others, an interactive workshop to benefit caregivers.
Marlene’s focus on wellness within applies to everyone who personally or professionally provides care for others. Drawing from her 9 Principles for Living a Joyous Life, Ms. George shares valuable information, strategies and tools for all those give care to maintain their health while tending to the needs of others.
Marlene presenting at the Futures Conference Thursday Oct 6 on Personal Wellness Brings Professional Success.